mission world links

Felipe and Sarah Yanez

St Jude & St Paul’s Church has been a mission partner of the Church Mission Society (CMS) since 1880.

Today we partner in mission with the Yanez family who are CMS mission partners in Spain. They keep in contact regularly by sending link letters to our church, letting us know about prayer requests and how they continue to provide assistance to the community they serve. The family consists of Felipe and Sarah and their two children Aaron and Sam.

click here to see more about them on their website.

We also support the diocesan partnership with the Anglican Churches in Angola and Mozambique (ALMA).

Mildmay Mission Hospital

The Mildmay Mission Hospital was founded by Rev William Pennefather who was a previous vicar of the church in 1864. Helen Taylor-Thompson was hugely influential in shaping the development of the hospital.

It is now a charitable hospital specialising in HIV, delivering quality care and treatment, prevention work, rehabilitation, training, education and health strengthening in the UK and East Africa. In 2016 Mildmay marked 150 years of the provision of service, compassion and medical care. The service was held at St Jude’s Church, after which Archbishop John Sentamu planted The Mildmay Rose in the church garden.

In 2020, Mildmay Mission Hospital began a ground-breaking service providing healthcare for people who are homeless or rough-sleeping and recuperating from illness or injury. They also became London’s primary Covid-care centre for homeless patients.

St Jude’s Church and Mildmay Mission Hospital connected in August 2022, with a visit from Teri Milewska, Registered and Compliance Manager, described here and pictured underneath the memorial to Rev William Pennefather in St Jude’s Church.